Current train timetables:
Click to view the current South Tipperary line train timetable (link to Irish Rail website).
Click to view the current Limerick Junction - Dublin/Cork timetable (link to Irish Rail website).
Click to view the current Limerick Junction - Limerick - Ennis timetable (link to Irish Rail website)
Click to view the current Limerick Junction - Galway timetable (link to Irish Rail website).
Limerick Junction railway station:

waiting room, Limerick Junction railway station
Trains converge on Limerick junction from the North, South, East and West (the South Tipperary Line is the line coming from the east).
The station has a ticket office, ticket vending machines, toilets and waiting room with vending machines (hot drinks, soft drinks, bars).
There are a number of bench seats with tables outside the waiting room (but sheltered).
An eircom WiFiHub hotspot is also available.
The station has a bicycle park and car parking is available (paid for parking).
Luggage trolleys are also available near the station entrance/exit.

Limerick Junction railway station has an eircom WiFiHub hotspot.
The eircom website has further info and may be visited by clicking on the logo.

The station's pedestrian entrance/ exit
Limerick Junction bus stops:

The bus stops in Limerick Junction are located around a seven minute walk from the railway station, just beyond the end of the station approach road. There is a footpath.
Bus Éireann Expressway route 55 links Limerick Junction to Monard, Oola, Pallasgreen and Dromkeen several times daily each way. Bus Éireann route 347 also links Limerick Junction with these locations with one journey in each direction Mondays to Fridays inclusive (twice a day each way on schooldays) route 347.
The bus stop for the Monard/ Oola/ Pallasgreen/ Dromkeen direction is on the Bit & Bridle Inn side of the road as pictured above. Buses will display "Limerick"/ "Luimneach" (Irish language version) as their destination (except the 16.05 route 347 schooldays-only service which terminates in Dromkeen).
Buses arriving into Limerick Junction from the Dromkeen/ Pallasgreen/ Oola/ Monard direction stop opposite the Bit & Bridle Inn.
Sample rail fares to/from Limerick Junction:
Further fare info is available on the following pages of the Irish Rail website:
South Tipperary to Dublin
South Tipperary to Limerick/Cork/Kerry
South Tipperary to Dublin
South Tipperary to Limerick/Cork/Kerry
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Bringing a bicycle by train:

It is possible to bring a bicycle by train.
Limerick Junction to Tipperary/ Cahir/ Clonmel: €2.50 single; €5 return
Limerick Junction to Carrick-on-Suir/ Waterford: € 4.00 single; €8 return
The InterCity train deployed on the line has a rack with space for three bicycles in one of its carriages. In the event of a smaller Commuter train being used a passenger should remain with their bicycle in the vestibule at all times. The carriage of bicycles is at staff discretion.
All-in rail & sea tickets Limerick Junction to Britain:
The document below details rail & sea options from Limerick Junction to Britain via Dublin - Holyhead.
Please click here to visit this website's page about travelling by sea & rail from Rosslare.
Please click here to visit this website's page about travelling by sea & rail from Rosslare.
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Date of last update to this page: 5th June, 2016: new photo.